I was able to teach several guest lectures as well as participate in the professional development course University Teaching: Theory and Practice while at the University of Guelph. However, the majority of my interactions with undergraduates came through their participation in my research. Although this is not classroom-type instruction, I consider this work to fall under the 'teaching' heading. When interacting with undergraduates, whether in the classroom, laboratory or the greenhouse, my goal is to teach them about how the scientific process works; how to think logically and critically and how scientific experiments work to discover and refine our understanding of natural processes.
At the University of Guelph, I worked extensively with five undergraduates (and on occasion with many more) as they assisted me in completing my postdoctoral research. From helping to prepare growth chambers, to sowing seeds and maintaining plants, through harvesting, threshing and making final morphological measurements, these students were essential to my work. In addition, working with and training undergraduates has continually been one of the most rewarding parts of my work as a scientist.
Below are a few pictures of some of the projects made possible by the hard work of these talented undergraduates.